If you are interested in having us perform marketing/advertising services, please fill out this form.

Marketing Client Questionairre

Media Mediai Inc. guarantees that all information that you provide will remain secure. We will not share, sell, or publicize any of the information entered.
Date Established(Required)
Number of employees including owners/managers
Business Address(Required)
Categorize your business(Required)
Business Mode(Required)
What state would youu consider to be in
Current Marketing Efforts(Required)
This is optional but helps us to establish a banchmark
Above, you decribed your business. What is the single most important tiing that you do to generate the most amount of revvenue.
Describe what you would like to change or add to your existing business.
What are the demographics of your customer. (Generalities are perfect)
How do you reach your cuistomers? Describe both successes abd failures in your doing this.
How will you know if you achieve success?
What are your expectations with our helping you?
Advertising/Marketing Budget
Do you have money allocated for advertising or marketing?

Infrastructure Budget
Are you willing to allocate funds on website infrastructure, credit card processing, shipping systems.

Would your business increase are you willing to hire additional staff?

Revenue Share(Required)
Media Media Inc works on a pay for performance basis in addition to quoted (by job), and contractual agreement. If we (both) decide to perform marketing and advertising services to you, are you willing to open your books to us so we can see your revenue increases. Media Media only charges a commission based on the net increases for your business. (This is not a contract, this is only an acknowledgement)